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Kiki Jerome's Cropped Red Sweater - General Hospital, Season 52, Episode 176, 12/10/14

December 13, 2014

On Wednesday's GH, Kiki and Morgan went to Ryan's bar to get info from Delia on Ava's whereabouts. During these scenes, Kiki was wearing a destroyed, red sweater with a holey ladder stitch  by Topshop.

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  1. Where is the blue dress that maxi wore to court on December 16 episode from?

  2. I wondered the same thing! Love it! And was she wearing a petticoat or crinoline under it, or was it just the dress?

    1. Hi Mikaleigh, I loved her dress too. I think the dress must have a petticoat built in because it's flared on the model too. http://imasoapfan.blogspot.com/2014/12/maxie-joness-blue-split-neckline-dress.html
