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Maxie Jones's Blue Split-Neckline Dress with Flared Skirt - General Hospital, Season 52, Episode 180, 12/16/14

December 19, 2014

On Tuesday's episode of General Hospital, Judge Meanie again prevented Maxie from seeing her daughter Georgie. I wish Mac, Felicia, Bobbie, Lucas, Anna, and Patrick were in the courtroom during these scenes. Family scenes are too few and far between on GH.

During these scenes, Maxie was wearing a blue split-neckline dress with a flared tulip skirt by Halston Heritage. Maxie's dress also comes in black, light pink, magenta, and green.

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  1. On the 12/19/14 episode Sam Morgan was wearing a sheer long top in brown tones with a white tank underneath. I'd love to know where to get it!

  2. I love this dress, but I'd see myself wanting to wear it at a cocktail party and not in a courtroom. Funny how actors are over-styled at times.

    1. Yes! Maxie could have celebrated New Year's in that dress.

  3. Heels that Nathan gave Maxie for a Christmas present? Would love to have them!
