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Carly Corinthos Jacks's Black Open Stitch Sweater - General Hospital, Season 52, Episode 247, 03/25/15

March 26, 2015

On yesterday's General Hospital, Carly (with Liz in tow) raced to the Metro Court to rescue Jake from the petite brunette claiming to be his wife. The "petite brunette" line made me wonder if Carly still has nightmares about Brenda and Robin. haha. During these scenes, Carly was wearing a black sweater with open stitch detailing along the front and sleeves. Carly's sweater is by Maje, and it also comes in white.

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  1. Thanks for the info you post on GH fashions. Can you please try to find out the company that made the lilac, short-sleeved blouse Nina Clay has worn in court this week? Thanks so much.

    1. Thanks HeatHart02! I looked for Nina's lilac blouse, but I wasn't able to track it down.

      If anyone else recognized it, please let us know in the comments!

  2. I always enjoy looking at your posts. Do you know the information about the black jacket Alexis wore in court today 3/27, when she was defending Nina?

    1. Hi Anonymous, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my posts. I tracked down Alexis's jacket. Unfortunately, it seems to be sold out. Here's my post on it. http://imasoapfan.blogspot.com/2015/03/alexis-daviss-zip-front-tweed-jacket.html

  3. I am curious as well about Nina's court outfit..it is so pretty!

    1. Hi Julie, I wasn't able to find Nina's top. Might try again later. If I find it, I'll be sure to make a post.

  4. ok, thank you. :-) I absolutely love your site--you do such a great job, and I look forward to checking the page often to see all the updates. Keep up the awesome work!

    1. Thanks Julie! I'm so glad you enjoy my site. Thanks so much for visiting. :)

      I ended up finding Nina's top after looking for her skirt! Here's my post of both the top and skirt: http://imasoapfan.blogspot.com/2015/03/nina-clays-lilac-peplum-top-and-bandage-skirt.html

  5. LOVE this shirt and your Blog is awesome! Keep it up! I LOVE reading it!

  6. Hi!! Love your blog as always. Do you happen to know where to find Carly's black & white print shirt from 4/30 (yeah I'm a month behind ;)). It's from when she tracks down the Jake imposter in NYC. And I actually also love the black leather jacket she's wearing. Thanks in advance!!

    1. Hi Amanda, Thanks for visiting! I hope you're having fun catching up on GH. I wish I could have tracked down Carly's cool shirt and jacket, but I wasn't able to find them.
