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Tracy Quartermaine's Crystal Statement Necklace - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 47, 06/05/15

June 08, 2015

On Friday's GH, Tracy and Luke celebrated their engagement at the Haunted Star. Tracy was wearing a white blouse and black ballgown skirt, and she accessorized with an Art Nouveau crystal necklace.

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  1. Hi! I found the shirt Maxie was wearing today while she was painting her nails from J.Crew: https://www.jcrew.com/womens_category/knitstees/shortsleevetees/PRDOVR~E1190/E1190.jsp I just wish it wasn't already sold out, it's cute and half the proceeds go to charity!

    1. Thanks so much, rose hat! I made a post for Maxie's cute tee. I wish it wasn't sold out too!

  2. I was wondering if you can identify the top Sam wore in todays episode, 6/10 Thanks!

  3. I ordered this necklace, and it is STUNNING!!! So glad that you have this blog - thank you!

  4. I must have the turquoise and black jacket/coat that Tracy wore today, 9/18/15. Do you know where I can get that? Gorgeous.

    1. Hi Mrs. R, I wasn't able to find Tracy's jacket. I think Tracy's wardrobe is from boutiques and not department stores, which makes it difficult to track her clothing down. :(
