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Kiki Jerome's Light Blue Chambray Shirt - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 66, 07/02/15

July 07, 2015

On Thursday's GH, Kiki talked with Franco at Kelly's while waiting for her take-out order. During these scenes, Kiki was wearing a light blue chambray shirt by GUESS. Kiki's shirt is currently out of stock, so I've gathered some similar shirts below.

Kiki's Light Blue Chambray Shirt (out of stock). See more GUESS Clothing.

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  1. Can you locate the black tank top Sam is wearing in todays episode, 7/7/15?

  2. Good morning! I found the amazing jacket Maxie wore yesterday: http://www.saksfifthavenue.com/main/ProductDetail.jsp?FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374306436569&PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524446810644&R=612000496556&P_name=BCBGMAXAZRIA&N=4294912141+306436569&bmUID=kVKnpLX

    1. Thank you rose hat! I just made a post on Maxie's jacket. :)

  3. I think I identified the top Sam wore yesterday and today from Free People.http://www.freepeople.com/shop/skinny-strap-brami/ in black and http://www.freepeople.com/shop/be-free-boy-tank/ also in black. I'm pretty sure on the brami and almost positive on the top.

    1. Thanks Anonymous! I just made a post for Sam's top and brami. :)
