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Maxie Jones's Cream Patterned Jacket - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 69, 07/07/15

July 08, 2015

Yesterday, Maxie and Nathan were at the airport awaiting her flight to Portland to see Georgie, and they ran into Lulu and Dillon. During these scenes, Maxie was wearing a cool cream patterned jacket by BCBGMAXAZRIA. Thanks to rose hat for identifying Maxie's jacket! Check out this previous post for details on Maxie's gold chevron drop earrings.

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  1. Does anyone know who makes that pink satchel bag she is holding??? Or where it can be purchased? Thanks :)

    1. Hi Esther, I couldn't find Maxie's pink bag. Did anyone else recognize it?

  2. I love those earrings, I wish I could find them.
