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Maxie Jones's Fringed Floral Kimono - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 67, 07/03/15

July 04, 2015

Yesterday, Maxie and Nathan arrived at Lulu and Dante's to celebrate Independence Day with their friends. After finding Dante with Valerie and learning Lulu wasn't in town, Maxie worried about her BFF's marriage. During these scenes, Maxie was wearing a fringed white kimono covered with an East Asian yellow and indigo mum print by Zara. The sleeves had a contrasting floral print. Maxie's fringed floral kimono is also available at Romwe. See this post for info on the layered necklace Maxie's wearing in this episode.

Maxie Jones, Kirsten Storms, Fringed Floral Kimono, General Hospital, GH

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