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Maxie Jones's Multistrand Charm Necklace - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 67, 07/03/15

July 04, 2015

On Friday's GH, Maxie celebrated the Fourth of July with Nathan. During these scenes, Maxie was wearing a multistrand gold charm necklace. Each of the four chains has a different charm. From the top, there is a rhinestone, a tiny gold disc, beads and a crescent, and a larger disc. I was having trouble getting a screencap with all four pendants showing, so I've included two different screencaps below to show them all. Maxie's layered necklace is from H&M and it also comes in silver. See this post for info on Maxie's kimono top.

Here's a second screencap of Maxie's necklace so you can see the pendant on the longest chain:

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  1. Hi! Thank you for adding this, I love both items!

  2. Maxie's hair looks fab! And thanks for finding this necklace (I love when the gh characters wear things that are in my price range!). Honestly, I wish I could spend a day on the gh set watching the hair, fashion and makeup crew do their thing.

    1. I love her new haircut too. I think Maxie, much like her mom Felicia, looks good with all different haircuts and hair lengths.

      That would be so much fun to watch and hair, makeup, and wardrobe crew. :)

  3. Help...I asked a question last week.Now I cannot find the link I used.Isn't there a Home page?
    imasoapfan.blogspot.com only comes up with current few items you have found and blogged on.

    1. Hi there, I don't see your previous question. To navigate this blog, you can view the most recent posts at http://imasoapfan.blogspot.com. At the bottom of the page, you can click "older post" to continue back in time. You can use the search feature at the upper right and enter key terms. Alternately, use the "Search by Character, Actor, and Item Type" tags in the right column to find items I've blogger about. Hope that helps.

  4. Hi, I am inquiring about the necklace that Maxi Jones is currently wearing during the March 6, 2020 episode. Can you provide information as to where I could shop for one? TIA
