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Nina Clay's Blue Scarf Print Halter Dress - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 68, 07/06/15

July 07, 2015

On yesterday's GH, Nina and Silas lurked around the park and watched the fireworks. During these scenes, Nina was wearing a blue scarf print halter dress by BCBG. Nina's Ginevia Scarf Print Hi-low Hem Halter Dress the sister dress of the blue printed dress she wore in May. Guess she really likes the print.

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  1. During these fireworks scenes there was an ever present multi-colored striped blanket used by most of the couples, from Sam and Patrick and Jason/Jake and Liz to TJ and Molly, and maybe even Morgan and Kiki...It looks great and would be useful throughout summer. Does anyone have an idea as to who makes it or where one can be purchased?

  2. I'm not sure, Anon. I hope someone can help. :)

  3. I'm not sure if this is the one, but the striped version seems similar... http://www.onestepahead.com/Seasonal/Gear/Personalized-Waterproof-Outdoor-Blanket.pro?omSource=SLI&
