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Valerie Spencer's Red Pencil Skirt - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 79, 07/21/15

July 22, 2015

Yesterday on GH, Lulu confronted Valerie about kissing Dante. During these scenes, Valerie was wearing a red pencil skirt from H&M. Valerie's skirt also comes in dark blue, black, and white. See this post for info on Valerie's white lace blouse.

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  1. Just ordered this. I loved it when I saw it on GH, so hopefully I love it when I wear it. I think Valerie's style is awesome. Thanks for ID-ing this skirt.

    1. Cool, I hope it works out for you! Valerie's clothes are cute. I like tracking them down. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Christine, I couldn't find the earrings.

      Did anyone else recognize them? Let us know in the comments. :)
