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Lulu Spencer Falconeri's Yellow and Blue Diamond Print Tank - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 96, 08/13/15

August 14, 2015

Yesterday on GH, Lulu talked to Dillon about his screenplay and agreed to let him film his movie on the Haunted Star. During these scenes, Lulu was wearing a white, yellow and blue diamond print tank by Joie. A racerback tank and  v-neck tank with the same yellow diamond print are also available. In addition, Lulu's top is available in an indigo blue version.

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  1. Any ideas as to which designer made Maxie's dress on the 8/13 episode? Thanks! :-)

    1. I'm working on finding it. I love it sooo much!

    2. I haven't been able to find Maxie's cute dress.

      If any reader recognized it, please let us know the designer in the comments.

  2. I love finding out where we can purchase the clothes we see on GH Thanks
