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Elizabeth Webber's Floral Top - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 146, 10/23/15

October 27, 2015

On Friday, Epiphany and Felix threw Liz a surprise bridal shower at General Hospital. During these scenes, Liz was wearing a multicolored floral top by Rebecca Taylor. Elizabeth's top is currently out of stock. A three-quarter sleeve split neckline top with the same print is currently available.

Elizabeth Webber's Floral Top (out of stock). See more Rebecca Taylor Tops.

See more of Elizabeth Webber's Clothing.

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  1. I think this top is gorgeous, but Liz' red cardigan is too loose on her in my opinion. The neckline of the sweater swoops down too low and is bunching too much at the sleeves. Would have been way cuter alone.

  2. I've been watching for this top on eBay ever since this post and finally one arrived and it happened to be in my size! It is amazingly in perfect condition. I can't tell you enough how much I love your blog. So thank YOU!
