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Elizabeth Webber's Ruffled Red Cardigan - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 146, 10/23/15

October 27, 2015

On Friday's GH, Elizabeth asked Patrick to stand up for her at her wedding. During these scenes, Elizabeth was wearing a ruffled red cardigan by 3.1 Phillip Lim. It's currently only available for resale at ebay and TheRealReal. It also came in navy blue. For info on Elizabeth's floral top, see this previous post.

 Elizabeth's Ruffled Red Cardigan (out of stock). See more 3.1 Phillip Lim Sweaters.

See more of Elizabeth Webber's Clothing.

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  1. Hi!! I'm dying to know who the black plaid purse Maxie was carrying on the 10/27/15 episode when she was talking to Dylan!;)

  2. Hello, any chance you can find the black and blue cardigan that Carly wore on the 10/23/15 episode?
