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Hayden Barnes's Black Lace Blouse - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 136, 10/09/15

October 13, 2015

Friday on GH, Hayden convinced Nik to take her shopping and then out for the evening. During these scenes, Hayden was wearing a black blouse with lace inset sleeves by The Kooples. It's currently available in navy. The Kooples also makes a black blouse with longer lace insets along the entire sleeve. Thanks to nomorefrump who identified Hayden's blouse!

 Hayden's Lace Blouse (available in navy). See more The Kooples Shirts.

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  1. The sleeves look similar to the Ted Baker cardigan with lace insets. The front looks different though.

  2. Hi, just wondering if you know where Hayden's burgundy top was from ? It's the one she wore on the Oct 15th to her doctors appointment with Patrick.

  3. I think I found the exact match.

    In dark navy.
