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Maxie Jones's Black Military-style Blazer - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 131, 10/02/15

October 08, 2015

Last Friday on GH, Maxie and Nathan talked over BBQ at The Floating Rib. During these scenes, Maxie was wearing a cropped black military-style blazer with decorative frogging or braiding.  I had given up trying to figure out where it was from, but today I was watching a Hallmark Movie called "The Memory Book," and the lead character was wearing the same blazer, so I decided to give my search a second go. I managed to track the designer down from this ebay listing, but I couldn't find a product shot of the jacket. Maxie's open blazer was sold last year at Zara, and it's currently sold out. For info on Maxie's initial necklace, see this previous post.

Maxie's Black Military-style Blazer (available on ebay in size M). See more Zara Blazers.

Here's a pic of the blazer that was stalking me (ha!) as worn by Meghan Ory in "The Memory Book." Besides the blazer, the movie had another connection to GH. It co-starred Adrienne Barbeau, who played Brenda's not-really-friend Suzanne on General Hospital several years ago.

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