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Anna Devane's Red, Blue, and Green Striped Lace Skirt - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 194, 01/07/16

January 09, 2016

On Thursday's GH, Anna celebrated her daughter Robin's happiness as Robin and Patrick remarried, and she said farewell to Robin, Patrick, and Emma. Before they left for Berkeley, Anna presented Emma with a plane ticket as a gift so her granddaughter could return to Port Charles to visit her. During this perfect episode, Anna was wearing a long lace pencil skirt with wavy red, blue, and olive green stripes by Sandro. See the next post for info on Anna's red tie-neck top.

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  1. Hi, thanks for posting this. Do you have any info about the jacket her character wore on 1/6/16 - a long light blue double-breasted coat.

    1. Hi Anonymous, I haven't had any luck tracking down Anna's coat.

      Did any other reader recognize it? If you did, please let us know in the comments.
