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Maxie Jones's Pleated Wrap Front Skirt - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 198, 01/13/16

January 14, 2016

Yesterday on GH, Maxie distributed green copies of Crimson. Today, she confessed to Nathan and Dante that Johnny was in Port Charles. During these scenes, Maxie was wearing a navy blue, pleated, wrap front, wool skirt by The Kooples. For info on Maxie's black and white statement jacket, check out my previous post.

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  1. Her jacket is the Quincy jacket from BCBG :)

    1. Yup! I posted about the jacket on Wednesday. :) http://imasoapfan.blogspot.com/2016/01/maxie-joness-black-and-white-feather-trim-jacket-gh.html
