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Nina Reeves's Feather Trim Blazer - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 203, 01/20/16

January 21, 2016

Yesterday on General Hospital, Nina BS-ed her way through a reporter's questions about Crimson using a lemon-lime soda advertisement. Sure makes me miss the original Kate Howard because she was so capable and intelligent. Since original Kate's gone, I wish Maxie was editor-in-chief, or Lucy Coe... Well, anyways, during these scenes, Nina was wearing a black blazer trimmed with fluffy black, blue and white ostrich feathers by Elizabeth and James. In addition, Elizabeth and James designed a sleeveless racerback dress with the same feather trim and a long sleeve feather trim dress.

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  1. Ava wore a white dress with a black lace overlay underneath a black fur jacket on the 1/19 episode when she surprised Paul at his hotel.suite. The dress has cap sleeves and is Laure Ralph Lauren. It is carried at Lord and Taylor and probably most major department stores. No info on the fur jacket.

    1. Hi Lisa, Is this the dress you were referring to: http://www.lordandtaylor.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/en/lord-and-taylor/womens-apparel/lace-combo-dress-0206-250573876001--1? The neckline is a bit different from Ava's. Thanks for your help! I'll keep searching for a match.
