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Sam Morgan's Shooting Star Necklace - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 187, 12/24/15

January 06, 2016

On the Christmas Eve episode of GH, Kristina found the shooting star necklace Jason gave Sam years ago. Later, Jason ran into Sam and Danny in the park and recognized Sam's necklace. Sam's necklace used to be available at ABC's Seen On store several years ago, but the website is no longer in existence. Below are two screencaps of Sam's necklace from the episode and several options for similar necklaces. Let us know in the comments if you know of a better match.

Sam Morgan's Shooting Star Necklace (out of stock)

I found several options for star pendant necklaces that are similar to Sam's. Click to check them out below, and use the arrow at the right to see all the options:

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  1. I actually bought the version that they were selling on ABC's website back then and it never was an exact match. THis link should take you to a picture of the one that was being sold. http://www.polyvore.com/sams_shooting_star_necklace_general/thing?id=826316

    1. Thanks Vicki for sharing the pic of the version ABC sold.
