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Maxie Jones's Crystal Droplet Print Pencil Skirt - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 223, 02/17/16

February 29, 2016

A couple weeks ago on GH, Maxie tried to make Lulu feel comfortable in staying with her and Nathan, but Lulu decided to move out. During these scenes, Maxie was wearing a crystal droplet print pencil skirt by Ted Baker. The skirt is out of stock online, but there's a scarf available with the same print. Maxie's mint green cashmere cardigan is by J. Crew, and it also comes in a variety of other colors. Maxie wore her light green sweater previously.

Maxie's Crystal Droplet Print Pencil Skirt (out of stock). See more Ted Baker Clothing.
Maxie's Mint Green Cashmere Cardigan. See more J. Crew Sweaters.

See more of Maxie Jones's Clothing.

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  1. Can you help me find a purse that Maxie had on March 1st and 2nd it was a large pink bag, I would love to be able to find it!!

  2. I just snagged this skirt on eBay. I'm so excited!!

  3. This beautiful cardigan in Spearmint Sprig has returned to J. Crew!
