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Kirsten Storms's Black Lace Peasant Top - FABLife Interview, 03/07/16

March 11, 2016

On Monday, Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones, GH) and Michelle Stafford (Nina Reeves, GH) were interviewed on the FABLife. Kirsten described how viewers mistake her for her character, and she played a game where she made the line, "This doesn't taste like skim milk," sound soap-worthy. You can watch clips from the interview here. Kirsten was wearing a black lace peasant top, and she shared on twitter that it's from Free People. With a little searching, I found that it's called the "Collared Lace Inset Top," but unfortunately, it seems to be sold out online. You might be able to hunt it down in stores.

Kirsten Storms's Black Lace Peasant Top (out of stock). See more Free People Clothing.

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