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Sam Morgan's Front Back Silver Dangle Earrings - General Hospital, Season 53, Episode 234, 03/03/16

March 08, 2016

Last week, Sam and Danny came to visit Jason and Jake at Shiners Hospital, and Jason spent the night in Sam's room. During these scenes, Sam was wearing a pair of front back silver earrings with four (or possibly five) bars hanging from dangling chains. I couldn't find an exact match for Sam's earrings. Anonymous wrote in with a similar option with two dangling silver chains by Rebecca Minkoff (thank you!), and I found a few other options in silver and gold colored metal. You can see them all below. If anyone knows of the exact match, let us know in the comments.

Sam's Front Back Silver Dangle Earrings.

Click to check out these similar earrings for a look like Sam's:

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