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Charlotte Cassadine's Purple Kitty Cat Print Backpack - General Hospital, Season 54, Episode 10/13/16

October 19, 2016

Thursday on GH, Nathan met his maybe-daughter Charlotte at the PCPD. Charlotte won him over from the beginning, and Nathan forgot his interest in having a new DNA test run to see if Claudette told him the truth. During these scenes, Charlotte was carrying a lavender kitty cat print backpack with little ears at the top by Cat & Jack.

Charlotte Beaulieu, General Hospital, GH, Scarlett Fernandez, Purple Kitty Cat Print Backpack

Here's a full view of Charlotte's backpack from 10/14. Charlotte was happily playing in the park, while Claudette fibbed to Nathan over the phone that Charlotte was still very upset.

Charlotte Beaulieu, General Hospital, GH, Scarlett Fernandez, Purple Kitty Cat Print Backpack

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  1. Charlotte's jeans and top is also Cat and Jack. You can get it at Target.
