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Danny Morgan's Blue and Green Plaid Shirt - General Hospital, Season 54, Episode 11/28/16

December 06, 2016

Last week on General Hospital, Danny enjoyed a banana split with Jason and Sam at Kelly's after eating Thanksgiving dinner. You'd think they'd be stuffed already! heehee. During these scenes, Danny was wearing a blue and green plaid shirt by Cat & Jack.

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  1. Do you happen to have info on Ava's (general hospital) royal blue coat? Thanks, love seeing all the clothes!

    1. Hi Denise, I wasn't able to find it.

      If anyone else recognized it, do let us know in the comments.

  2. Do you know who made Kiki's long, blue striped cardigan? She was wearing it on 12/6/16 when she was talking to Michael and Nelle (in Carly's office). Thanks!

    1. I looked but couldn't find Kiki's sweater.

      If anyone else recognized it, do let us know in the comments.
