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Maxie Jones's Embroidered Black Military Jacket - General Hospital, Season 54, Episode 11/30/16

December 07, 2016

Last week on General Hospital, Maxie thought she received a call from Claudette, but the call was disconnected. Maxie tried calling the number back, but the person who answered only spoke French. When Nathan arrived she learned that the caller was from a shop in Paris where Nathan had bought her a surprise wedding gift. During these scenes, Maxie was wearing an embroidered black military blazer with embossed silver colored buttons by Denim & Supply by Ralph Lauren. Maxie's jacket is in limited stock online. There's a similar longer embroidered military jacket by Ralph Lauren that's on sale right now. Also, I've gathered some alternatives below.

Here are some alternatives if you're looking for a military jacket like Maxie's:

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