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Anna Devane's Charcoal Grey V-Neck Sweater with Thumbhole Sleeves - General Hospital, Season 54, Episode 01/04/17

January 14, 2017

Last week on General Hospital, Anna was hypnotized by Andre. Her goal was to remember a suppressed memory of her time training at the WSB, which Valentin has been taunting her about. Anna made some progress during the session. She remembered winding her watch as she walked down a dark corridor with a light under the door in front of her. Later, she remembered looking down at her broken watch on the ground, which was stopped at 11:05 on October 29th. A disturbed Anna explained to Andre that October 29th is her birthday.

During these scenes, Anna was wearing a charcoal grey v-neck sweater with ribbed trim and thumbhole sleeves by Enza Costa. Anna's cozy cotton/cashmere blend sweater is made in the USA, and it also comes in black, midnight blue (cadet), light heather grey, dark brown, and khaki.

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