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Ava Jerome's Blue Wool Coat with Asymmetric Zip - General Hospital, Season 54, Episode 01/19/17

January 23, 2017

Last week on GH, Ava taunted Alexis about her drinking when she found a bottle of cooking sherry on the living room table. During these scenes, Ava was wearing a blue wool coat with an asymmetric zip front by Michael Kors. Ava's coat is sold out in stores, but several are available on ebay. In addition, a similar wool walker coat by Michael Kors is available in navy blue, cobalt blue, red, black, charcoal grey, and ivory. It has with differently placed zip pockets.

See more of Ava Jerome's Clothing.

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  1. I have a jacket black satin with red trim with tag on collar made by California it's a cast jacket that has general hospital on the back with a picture of the hospital do you know anything about this jacket or its value it's in mint condition.

    1. What a treasure! I don't have any knowledge about General Hospital cast jackets. Maybe you could see if anyone has one listed on ebay to estimate it's value.
