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Sam Morgan's Cream V-Neck Sweater - General Hospital, Season 54, Episode 12/21/16

January 04, 2017

A couple weeks ago on General Hospital, Maxie threw a baby shower for Sam at the Metro Court, and Monica, Alexis, Kristina, Molly, and Carly were in attendance. Sam was upset that Maxie had a cake made that would reveal her baby's sex once the cake was cut, but she forgave Maxie, making her promise not to cut the cake. Later, Jason arrived, and the pair decided to cut the cake and find out if their baby was a boy or girl, but it's still a mystery to the audience. What do you think, are they having a girl or boy?

During these scenes, Sam was wearing a cream cashmere sweater with a v-neckline by Theory. The sweater also comes in black, grey, blue, and red. Thank you anonymous for identifying Sam's sweater.

Here's a closer view of the shoulder seams:

See more of Sam Morgan's Clothing.

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  1. I think Sam wore the same sweater in grey on Christmas Eve.

    1. Thank you! I made a post for her Christmas Eve sweater too. :)

    2. What about Sam's long black blazer that she wore with that? I'm dying to know
