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Charlotte Cassadine's Blue Velour and Pink Floral Brocade Dress - General Hospital, Season 54, Episode 01/23/17

January 23, 2017

On today's episode of GH, Charlotte attended Maxie and Nathan's wedding with her father Valentin. At the reception, she was overwhelmed when she overheard Griffin say that her father killed Claudette. Later, Lulu tried to comfort Charlotte but only upset her further when she told Charlotte that she was her real mother. During these episodes, Charlotte was wearing a party dress with a blue velour bodice and bright pink, blue, and black floral brocade skirt by US Angels. The dress is embellished with a pink rosette at the front and pink sash at the back. It's on sale right now.

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  1. The grey poncho with the fur collar is CrewCuts JCrew. It's adorable my granddaughter has it and loves it. It's still available.

    1. Thanks so much Vicki! I made a post for it tonight. What a cute poncho. Your granddaughter must look so sweet in it!
