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Alexis Davis's Hammered Brass Matchstick Earrings with Patina - General Hospital, Season 55, Episode 12/22/17

January 05, 2018

A couple weeks ago, Alexis went to Molly and TJ's place for Christmas. She grew sad when Kristina's name came up. During this episode, Alexis was wearing a pair of hammered brass matchstick earrings with a dipped patina effect by Lena Benard. They were sold at Anthropologie, but are currently sold out online. You might still be able to track them down in brick and mortar stores.

Alexis Davis, Nancy Lee Grahn, Hammered Brass Matchstick Earrings with Patina, General Hospital, GH

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  1. LOVE THIS BLOG ! thanks for sharing! I'm a huge GH fan!
