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Anna Devane's Pinkish Red Wrap Dress - General Hospital, Season 56, Episode 11/26/18

November 30, 2018

Monday on General Hospital, Anna raised a toast to her friend Jordan before Jordan and Curtis's wedding. Anna lent Jordan "something borrowed," a bracelet she was wearing when she first met her friend. During Jordan and Curtis's wedding, Anna (Finola Hughes) was wearing a pinkish red (amaranth), satin, wrap dress with an asymmetric hem by Equipment. Anna's fluttery belted, long sleeve, hammered satin dress is also available here, here, here, and here, and it comes in black too.

Anna Devane, Finola Hughes, Pinkish Red Wrap Dress, General Hospital, GH

Here's a full length view of Anna's satin wrap dress:

Anna Devane, Finola Hughes, Pinkish Red Wrap Dress, General Hospital, GH

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