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Cameron Webber's Navy Blue Long Sleeve Polo Shirt with Contrast Sleeve Stripes - General Hospital, Season 56, Episode 12/05/18

January 04, 2019

In December on GH, Cameron and Laura watched Aiden coloring at Kelly's. Cameron asked if Aiden was drawing a bug, and Aiden said the drawing was him. Cameron responded that if he was going to draw himself as a bug, not to be a little gnat, but to draw himself as "a ginormous bug that could eat an entire city." This idea made little Aiden smile. During these scenes, Cam (William Lipton) was wearing a navy blue long sleeve polo shirt with contrasting red and white sleeve stripes. I found a close match by ASOS, but the colors on the sleeve stripes are reversed.

Cameron Webber, William Lipton, Navy Blue Long Sleeve Polo Shirt with Contrast Sleeve Stripes, General Hospital, GH

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