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Alexis Davis's Green Plaid Tie-Front Shirt - General Hospital, Season 57, Episode 05/03/19

May 08, 2019

Friday on General Hospital, Alexis and Diane disguised themselves as one another so that Alexis good avoid Valerie and reach the safe-house to see Kristina. Once there, Alexis and Sonny listened to Kristina who had reflected on her association with Dawn of Day and her family's reaction. Early in this episode, Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) was wearing a green, blue, and brown plaid shirt with a tie front by J.O.A. Later on, Diane wore it as her Alexis disguise. Alexis's print blouse is currently on sale.

Alexis Davis, Nancy Lee Grahn, Green Plaid Tie-Front Shirt, General Hospital, GH
Alexis's Green Plaid Tie-Front Shirt. See more J.O.A. Clothing.

Here's a closer view of the print on Alexis's top:

Alexis Davis, Nancy Lee Grahn, Green Plaid Tie-Front Shirt, General Hospital, GH

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