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Harmony Miller's Blue Floral Print Embroidered Kimono - General Hospital, Season 57, Episode 06/05/19

June 14, 2019

Last week, Harmony visited Shiloh in his room at General Hospital and checked on him. Shiloh was angry and ordered Harmony to find his son that Willow kept from him. During this episode, Harmony (Inga Cadranel) was wearing a teal blue floral and butterfly print kimono with an embroidered shawl collar by Johnny Was. Harmony's boho silk kimono is currently out of stock, but here are two similar options. I gathered some additional options for a look like Harmony's below.

Harmony Miller, Inga Cadranel, Blue Floral Print Embroidered Kimono, General Hospital, GH

Here are some other cute kimonos by Johnny Was for a look like Harmony's:

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