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Lulu Spencer Falconeri's Black Floral Print Blouse - General Hospital, Season 57, Episode 05/24/19

June 04, 2019

A couple weeks ago, Lulu met with Laura at General Hospital and was perturbed when Lucy went on about how heartbroken she was at the idea that Kevin could have fallen for Ava. Laura reminded Lucy that she was Kevin's wife. Later, Laura and Lulu learned that Ryan had been captured, but Lulu couldn't fully be relieved at the news. During this episode, Lulu (Emme Rylan) was wearing a black, green, red, and blue floral blouse with trailing branches and leaves by ZARA. Lulu's collarless, floral print blouse is currently out of stock online.

Lulu Spencer Falconeri, Emme Rylan, Black Floral Print Blouse, General Hospital, GH
Lulu's Black Floral Print Blouse (out of stock). See more ZARA Clothing.

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