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Lulu Spencer Falconeri's Quilted Pink Leather Backpack - General Hospital, Season 57, Episode 05/29/19

June 06, 2019

Last week on General Hospital, Lulu and Maxie  chatted over lunch at Crimson. Lulu told Maxie about her latest assignment. She planned to pose as a single woman using dating apps to expose a thief targeting unsuspecting women. During this episode, Lulu (Emme Rylan) had with her a quilted pink leather backpack by Michael Kors. Lulu used this backpack previously. Along with fawn pink, Lulu's small backpack comes in black, olive green, and pearl grey. In addition, Lulu's pink backpack is available here. There is a shoulder bag and a handbag/satchel available with the same pink quilted design.

Lulu Spencer Falconeri, Emme Rylan, Quilted Pink Leather Backpack, General Hospital, GH

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  1. The top Lulu is wearing is from White House Black Market. I own the same top. It was part of their fall collection.
