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Margaux Dawson's Lilac Pink Wool Jacket - General Hospital, Season 55, Episode 06/05/19

June 17, 2019

A couple weeks back, Sonny called Margaux over to his house and told her he had his pledge. After Sonny and Jason played Margaux the recording of Shiloh drugging and attempting to rape Sam, they argued that Margaux should arrest Shiloh. Sonny told her he had Marguax's pledge and Margaux felt pressured to act. During this episode, Margaux (Elizabeth Hendrickson) was wearing a light pink-purple wool blazer by Theory. Margaux's jacket is available here too. Along with dusty lilac, Margaux's jacket comes in black, dark mulberry red, bright blue, grey, and navy blue. Margaux's wore the matching dusty lilac pants previously. They're available here, here, here and here too.

Margaux Dawson, Elizabeth Hendrickson, Lilac Pink Wool Jacket, General Hospital, GH

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