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Maxie Jones's Black Lace Trimmed Silk Jacket - General Hospital, Season 57, Episode 05/29/19

June 07, 2019

Last week, Maxie and Lulu had lunch together at Crimson. After Lulu left, Maxie went back to work, and she was confused hen she was unable to transfer money to cover the August issue. During these scenes, Maxie was wearing a black silk jacket embellished with tonal military-style cording and appliques and trimmed with raw mesh lace by Kobi Halperin. Maxie's wore her open-front jacket with three-quarter bell sleeves and a tassel tie drawstring hem previously back in September. The jacket is currently out of stock, but the designer has several similar options.

Maxie Jones, Kirsten Storms, Black Lace Trimmed Silk Jacket, General Hospital, GH
Maxie's Embellished Black Silk Jacket ( out of stock, similar). See more Kobi Halperin Clothing.

Here's a closer view of Maxie's black silk jacket where you can see the cording details:

Maxie Jones, Kirsten Storms, Black Lace Trimmed Silk Jacket, General Hospital, GH

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